Tomas Slavik did a hat trick and wins JBC 4X Revelations for third time

Unique fourcross show, the most difficult track, best riders, 10 000 spectators, fights elbow to elbow and one winner - Tomas Slavik did it again and took a third win in row at JBC 4X Revelations 2015 powered GHOST bikes!
JBC 4X Revelations was long time expected by riders and fans, kind of a real diamond in between other fourcross races not just because of track difficulty, but basically because of everything what is making this event so special. Revelations is a pilot event by Tomas Slavik which was created to “reveal" the real meaning and image of fourcross event from the view of a professional racer and organizer at the same time. 2015 really pushed the limits to the next level! Internet and other media are crushed by positive feedbacks. Spectators could see big jumps, fantastic fights, hard crashes, breathtaking show, amazing concerts, DJs and of course triumph of a hometown rider Tomas Slavik who took a win in front of 10 000 screaming spectators! What a ride! JBC 4X Revelations 2015 was legendary!
“ This season I feel like somebody is testing me how much I can stand and how hard sometimes it can be. My immune system collapsed 2,5 months ago and then I broke ligaments in my ankle. It was really frustrating and I really didn’t even think about being racing at Revelations, but then it started to get better and better. Im still 8 kg lighter then normally, but I was feeling great on my bike. I just don’t really get it, but I was so happy and blessed to be back on my bike, holding bars, pedaling that only thing I was thinking of and dreaming of was to race my bike. My life just turned up side down and I finally felt “complete” and fulfilled! Every year its harder to me to take a win at Revelations and thats why Im happier and happier every year being able to win it. In final I knew it will be fight in between me and Quentin Derbier. He is a great racer and its not easy to battle him. I was really surprised when after 1st berm I just disappeared and was gone leading the final. Its pretty clear that Revelations 2015 was real breakthrough in order to spectators, media interest and the level we have set up is incredible! The positive reaction I hear now is a great satisfaction for such a hard work we have put in. I would love to thank the complete production crew, my girlfriend, workers, sponzors and to all fans! Thank you, you were all great!! “
Expect official JBC 4X Revelations 2015 powered by GHOST bikes highlights video during today! Stay tuned!
Photo credit: Jan Kasl, Petr Zbranek, Vertical Images, Endruu photo, Barča Berdychová